Meaning of báhin



Part, division, lot, share, portion; to divide, make parts of, share out, separate into pieces, lots or parcels. Pilá ang ímo báhin? How much is your share or part? Bahína iní. Divide this. Bahíni si Fuláno sing isá ka báhin. Let N. N. have one share. Apportion to N.N. one share. Ginbáhin níya ang íya mánggad sa ápat ka párte. He divided his property into four parts. Ibáhin akó ánay siníng duhá ka pásong nga humáy sa tagápat ka gántang kag isóhol sa mga mamumugón. Kindly divide these two bushels of rice into heaps of four gantas each, and pay it out as wages to the workmen.



Ministry, department, division, office, bureau. Báhin sang áway. Ministry of War. Báhin sang katínlò. Bureau of Health.