Smell, odour, scent, perfume, aroma, whether good or bad. Sá báhò sang ímo ágwa makilála ko ang ngálan. I know the name of the scent you use by its smell. (see panimáhò-to smell).
A stench, stink, an obnoxious or offensive smell; stinking: to stink, emit an offensive smell. Anáno nga banhô ang ginabátyag ko dirí? What sort of stench do I notice here? Banô na iníng ísdà. This fish smells bad already. Ang binóro nagabahô. Pickled fish has a strong smell. Nabahoán kamí sang ilagâ nga patáy. We were annoyed by the stench coming from the dead rat.
(Sp. bajo) Bass (voice, score, singer, player and instrument or chord).