Meaning of baláw



(B) An interrogative particle having the meaning of: How can you think so? Do you imagine that--, unless--? Would one do this or act in such a way, if it were not--? Baláw makádto akó dídto, kon walâ akó sing kinahánglan? Do you imagine I would go there, unless I had a good reason? Baláw tagóon ko iní kón índì ákon? Can you think that I would hide or keep this, unless it were mine? (see balá).



Pitch, tar, bitumen, resin, rosin, asphalt; the pitch of the apítong tree; to pitch, tar, asphalt. Balawí ang kílid sang paráw. Cover the sides of the outrigger with pitch. (see sálong, alkitrán, aspálto).



Spotted, variegated; a fowl spotted black and white. (see baráw).