Meaning of bántà



Opinion, guess, surmise, conjecture; to opine, think, guess, surmise, conjecture. Sa ákon bántà or bolobántà --. In my opinion --. Ginabántà níya nga ang duhá ka gántang nga bugás ígò sa panyága sang napúlò kag ápat ka táo. He thinks that two gantas of hulled rice are sufficient for fourteen persons to eat at dinner-or-are enough to feed fourteen persons at dinner. Bantaá sing maáyo ang túbig sang ginatíg-ang. Guess well the quantity of water required for the rice you are going to boil. Binántà níla nga kon sumakáy silá sa áuto, makadángat silá sa Ilóng-ílong sa sulúd sang isá ka táknà. They thought that, if they rode in an automobile, they would reach Iloilo within an hour. (see bánà, banâbánà, hunâhúnà).