To praise, exalt, extol, esteem, appreciate, magnify, glorify, make much of, speak well of, honour, admire, laud, think or speak highly of. Dayáwon ang Diós. Praised be God. Blessed be God. Ginadáyaw níla ang bág-o nga simbáhan. They are full of praise for the new church. Dayáwa siá, kay dalayáwon. Honour him, for he is worthy of honour. Gindáyaw ko siá, kay nakasáyod akó nga dalayawón. siá, kag iniháwan akó níya sing manók kag ginpainúm sing tubâ. I flattered him, because I knew that flattery goes down with him, and he killed a chicken for me and gave me some toddy to drink. Idáyaw sa íya ang íya bág-o nga baláy, ang íya kaálam, etc. Speak well of his new house, of his learning, etc. Gindáyaw níla siá tungúd sang madámù níya nga pagkasampáton. They exalted him on account of his many accomplishments. (see padungúg).
Dandy, coxcomb, fop, dude, masher, exquisite, swell; to be or become a dandy, etc., to deck oneself out for show, dress ostentatiously. Nagadayáw siá, kay dalagíta na. She is dressing herself for show, because she is now growing out of her girlhood. Abáw, kadayáw gid sa íya! Why, he is quite a dandy! (see padayáw).