Meaning of duhá-dúha



Doubt, indecision, wavering, vacillation, hesitation; to doubt, hesitate, waver, be undecided, be in a dilemma,-a quandary,-suspense, to vacillate, to question. Sa walâ sing duhádúha --. Doubtless, without doubt --. Indì ka magduhádúha siní. Have no doubt about this, be sure of this. Anó pa ang ginaduhádúha mo? What are you still hesitating, vacillating, doubting about? Why are you still wavering? Anó ang ginaduháduháan mo? What is it you are doubtful of or undecided about? Seguróha gid ang ímo hunâhúnà, índì mo pagduháduháon. Be firmly convinced, don't permit any doubts to enter your mind. Walâ na nákon pagaduháduhái ang íya sinâ nga kamatuóran, ápang nagaduhádúha pa akó kon mabúut balá ukón índì ang pagpasilabút sa amó nga mga butáng. I do not any longer doubt the truth of it, but I am still undecided as to whether it is prudent or not to interfere in such things. Duhádúha na gid kon maabút pa siá karón, kay gáb-i na. It is very doubtful whether he will come now that it is dark.