(H) To cut, trim, crop, clip, dock, lop, shear (hair, grass, a hedge or the like). Golóba sang gúnting ang bohók sang bátà, kay nagagáway sa íya ágtang. Trim with a pair of scissors the child's hair, for it hangs down over its forehead. Golóbi siá sang íya bohók. Clip his hair. Igólob sa kógon iníng gúnting, kay nagalabáw sa balisbísan sang atóp. Use this pair of shears to cut off the cogon-grass, because it sticks out beyond the eaves of the roof. Maálam ka maggólob sang íkog sang idô? Do you know how to dock a dog's tail? Pagolóbi ang kabáyo sang íya bungáybúngay. Have the horse's mane cropped.
(H) A fold, crease, especially one in the skin due to fatness.