Meaning of hakúl



The compound form panhakúl, panghakúl is mostly used. To plead, beseech, implore, complain, lament, cry out in grief or sorrow, ask with tears. Indì ka magpanghakúl sing lakás, kay ánhon mo? Ang karabáw nga patáy índì na mabánhaw. Don't lament too much, for what can you do? The dead buffalo will not rise again. Ginpanghakulán akó níya sa pagpahulám sa íya sing kwárta. He implored me with tears to lend him some money. Nagapanghakúl kamí sa ímo --. We beseech thee --. We are crying out to thee --. (see hákroy, bákhò, pakilóoy, pakitábang).



To be-red and swollen,-bruised,-suffused with blood. Naghalákul ang íla mga nawóng. Their faces were red and swollen. (see habál, hanóg).