Meaning of íkit



Condition of being dense, compact; close or near together, crowded; to be close or near together, dense, compact, with little space between. Nagaíkit ang humáy sa ákon umá. The rice on my field is growing thick. Indì nínyo pagikíton ang pagtanúm sing lubí. Do not plant the coconuts too close together. Naikítan akó sináng mga lubí. It seems to me that those coconuts are crowded. Magídas kamó sing íkit, dílì sing lakâ. Stand in a row close together, not far apart. (see garót, gutúk).



Condition of being dense, compact; close or near together, crowded; to be close or near together, dense, compact, with little space between. Nagaíkit ang humáy sa ákon umá. The rice on my field is growing thick. Indì nínyo pagikíton ang pagtanúm sing lubí. Do not plant the coconuts too close together. Naikítan akó sináng mga lubí. It seems to me that those coconuts are crowded. Magídas kamó sing íkit, dílì sing lakâ. Stand in a row close together, not far apart. (see garót, gutúk).