-inm-, A verbal prefix (intercalation) corresponding to nag- and naga-, which are at present much more commonly employed than the rather old-fashioned inm- and -inm-. Ginmíkan (naggíkan); ginmigíkan (nagagíkan); sinmákà (nagsákà); sinmálig (nagsálig); sinmasálig (nagasálig); tinmotóo (nagatóo); dinmápit (nagdápit); dinmángat (nagdángat); inmabút (nagabút); inmúrut (nagúrut), etc. etc.
-inm-, A verbal prefix (intercalation) corresponding to nag- and naga-, which are at present much more commonly employed than the rather old-fashioned inm- and -inm-. Ginmíkan (naggíkan); ginmigíkan (nagagíkan); sinmákà (nagsákà); sinmálig (nagsálig); sinmasálig (nagasálig); tinmotóo (nagatóo); dinmápit (nagdápit); dinmángat (nagdángat); inmabút (nagabút); inmúrut (nagúrut), etc. etc.