Meaning of lákot



To creak, squeak, emit a sharp grating noise, as cart-wheels, rusty locks and hinges, etc. (see ígot, ígong).



Mixture, mingling; to mix, mingle, intersperse, put in. Iníng maís may lakót nga humáy-or-iníng maís naláktan sang humáy. This corn is mixed with rice. Ginláktan níya ang sabáw sing áhos. He mixed the sauce with garlic. Ginlakót níya ang áhos sa sabáw. He put garlic into the sauce. Indì mo pagláktan ang ímo hunâhúnà sing babáe, agúd índì madupág ang ímo pagtoón. Don't occupy your thoughts with women, lest your studies should be interfered with. Ilakót iníng kalámay sa bíno tínto, agúd magtám-is. Put this sugar into the red table-wine to sweeten it. (see sámò, lákay, símbug, sákot).



To mingle incongruous ideas, talk inconsistently, ramble. Ang búang nagalákot sang íya hámbal. The fool's talk is rambling-or-A maniac or lunatic talks about incongruous things. (see sála).