Meaning of likúm



Concealment, hiding, secrecy; to hide, conceal, keep quiet about, screen, secrete, veil, disguise. Indì malikúm iníng búhat mo. This deed of yours cannot be concealed. Liníkman (linikumán) níya akó sinâ nga búhat. He hid or concealed that deed from me. Indì ka maglikúm sa íya sang kamatuóran siníng nagkahanabû (nahanabû). Do not conceal from him the truth of this event. Ilikúm lang sa íya ang ákon pagabút dirí. Simply keep him in the dark about my arrival here. Walâ sing likúm ang íya nga katuyoán. There is no secrecy about his intention or plan. (see lílong, tágò).