Meaning of líp-ot



(H) Shortness, curtness, brevity, abbreviation, abridgement; short, brief, curt, curtailed; to shorten, abridge, abbreviate, curtail, cut short. Lip-otón mo ang kawáyan. Shorten the bamboo. Lip-otí akó sang ákon delárgo. Shorten my pants. Make short trousers for me. Ilíp-ot akó siníng káhoy. Kindly shorten this piece of wood for me. Nalip-otán akó sinâ. That was too short for me. Nagági kamí sa líp-ot (laktúran). We took the short-cut. Nagaamátamát na sang líp-ot ang ádlaw. The days are slowly shortening (getting shorter). Lakás kaláwig iníng sinulát mo nga láygay; lip-otá. The written sermon of yours is too long; cut it short, make it shorter. (see kabús-too short; bugô).