Meaning of mítlang



Utterance, pronunciation, enunciation; syllable; to utter, pronounce, speak, say, emit, enunciate, give utterance to. Isá ka mítlang. One syllable. Magmítlang ka sing pilá ka tinagâ. Imítlang mo (mitlangón mo) ang pilá ka tinagâ. Pronounce (say) a few words. Imítlang mo ang ímo nga katuyoán. Give utterance to your thought, plan or intention. Mitlangí kamí sang ímo inugpaháyag. Speak to us of what you have to tell (reveal). Ang mga katsílà índì makamítlang sing maáyo sang tigbató nga "h". The Spaniards are unable to pronounce well the letter "h". (see bungát, tikáb, púlong, silíng, koón, dágil).