class="hw">olo-, A diminutive particle that is either prefixed (to words beginning with a vowel) or inserted (between the first consonant and the first vowel of words beginning with a consonant), e.g. oloáslum (áslum); oloánggid (ánggid): bolobúg-at (búg-at); dolodápya (dápya); tolotámbok (támbok); nagtolotáwhay (táwhay), etc. etc.
Head, head-piece, pate, noddle, brain-box, brain-pan, sconce, upper story, intellect; master, ruler, director, manager. Ginatágò níya ang íya ólo, ápang ang íya íkog nagamurá. He hides his head, but his tail appears. (Literally said of an iguana, but often applied to people who try to hide their doings, but who are found out). Walâ sing útbong kag walâ sing ólo. Neither head nor tail. Maáyo siá sing ólo. He has a good head i.e. he is very intelligent. (see pangólo).
class="hw">olo-, A diminutive particle that is either prefixed (to words beginning with a vowel) or inserted (between the first consonant and the first vowel of words beginning with a consonant), e.g. oloáslum (áslum); oloánggid (ánggid): bolobúg-at (búg-at); dolodápya (dápya); tolotámbok (támbok); nagtolotáwhay (táwhay), etc. etc.
Head, head-piece, pate, noddle, brain-box, brain-pan, sconce, upper story, intellect; master, ruler, director, manager. Ginatágò níya ang íya ólo, ápang ang íya íkog nagamurá. He hides his head, but his tail appears. (Literally said of an iguana, but often applied to people who try to hide their doings, but who are found out). Walâ sing útbong kag walâ sing ólo. Neither head nor tail. Maáyo siá sing ólo. He has a good head i.e. he is very intelligent. (see pangólo).