Meaning of pamiyó-míyo



(Probably derived from the Spa. mio-my, mine). To be egoistic, selfish; to be concerned only about oneself; to silently disregard or ignore petitions, questions, etc. made by others. Nagapamiyómíyo lang siá, ápang sa waláy duhádúha may madámù siá nga pílak. He just keeps his own counsel, but he certainly has much money. Sa tungâ sang pamiyómíyo kag paiyáíya sang kalabánan sa karón nga panahón may ibán pa man nga mga táo nga may patugsíling kag pasunáid sa íla isigkatáo. Amongst the egoism and selfishness of the majority now-a-days there still remain some who have consideration and regard for their neighbours. (see paiyáíya).