Meaning of sábud



To agree, pull well together, live in harmony, be compatible. Silá nga duhá walâ gid pagsábud-or-índì gid magsábud. Those two never agree, do not pull together. (see sábun, hisáhò).



To sow, broadcast. See sáb-og id. Also: Young rice-plants, rice seedlings. May sábud pa kamó? Have you any rice-seedlings left? Ang ímo sábud matáas na; saráng ka na makatánum. Your rice-seedlings are high now; you can transplant them now. (see sábwag).



To twist or throw around, pass round, give a turn round, encircle. Isabúd ang kalát sa káhoy. Pass the rope around the tree. Give the rope a turn or two round the tree. Nasábdan ang bagát sang písì. The string was given a few turns round the pole. Sinábdan sang mán-og ang sangá sang káhoy. The snake coiled itself round the branch of the tree.