Meaning of sóhot



To enter through a small opening, to slip in, creep through, get in, insinuate oneself into, thread one's way through. Sóhot (Magsóhot, sumóhot) ka lang sa korál (kodál). Sohóti lang ang korál. Just creep through the fence. Sohóta ang kwárta nga nadágdag sa idálum sang baláy. Creep in under the house and get the money that was dropped down. Ginsóhot níya ang bóla sa idálum sang lamésa. He crept in and got the ball from underneath the table. He crept under the table and got the ball. Kapín na sa isá ka búlan nga walâ gid siá magsóhot (makasóhot) sa simbáhan. For more than a month he has not (was unable to) put in an appearance at church.