Meaning of úli



(Sp. hule) Oil-cloth. Pútson mo sa úli ang (ákon) mga panápton nga iílis ko. Wrap up my change of clothes in a piece of oil-cloth.



Toilet paper or anything used instead of it; to use toilet paper. (see ululí, urulí).



To return, give back, render, restore, make restitution, Iúlì sa íya ang tulún-an. Give him back the book. Labáw na sa pilô ang naúlì. More than double has been returned. Básì pa lang nga maulían pa siá sing maáyo nga láwas. Let us hope that he will-be restored to health,-regain his health,-recover. Ginúlì na sang makáwat ang íya mga kináwat. The thief has given back the stolen goods. Naulían na siá sang íya dungúg. His honour is restored.



To buy at cost-price, obtain without gain to the seller. Kon magbakál ka sing páyong duhaón mo, kay ulián ko ang isá. When you buy an umbrella, buy two, for I shall buy one from you at the price you pay for it. (see paulî-to sell at cost-price).



Again, a second time. Nagpakasál na man siá ulî sa kay Fulána. He married again; this time he married N.N. The second time he married (having been married before) Miss N.N. Nagbúhat siá sinâ ulî. He did it again. (see liwán, liwát).



(Sp. hule) Oil-cloth. Pútson mo sa úli ang (ákon) mga panápton nga iílis ko. Wrap up my change of clothes in a piece of oil-cloth.



Toilet paper or anything used instead of it; to use toilet paper. (see ululí, urulí).



To return, give back, render, restore, make restitution, Iúlì sa íya ang tulún-an. Give him back the book. Labáw na sa pilô ang naúlì. More than double has been returned. Básì pa lang nga maulían pa siá sing maáyo nga láwas. Let us hope that he will-be restored to health,-regain his health,-recover. Ginúlì na sang makáwat ang íya mga kináwat. The thief has given back the stolen goods. Naulían na siá sang íya dungúg. His honour is restored.



To buy at cost-price, obtain without gain to the seller. Kon magbakál ka sing páyong duhaón mo, kay ulián ko ang isá. When you buy an umbrella, buy two, for I shall buy one from you at the price you pay for it. (see paulî-to sell at cost-price).



Again, a second time. Nagpakasál na man siá ulî sa kay Fulána. He married again; this time he married N.N. The second time he married (having been married before) Miss N.N. Nagbúhat siá sinâ ulî. He did it again. (see liwán, liwát).