Meaning of wái, wá-i

wái, wá-i


An exclamation of praise and wonder (often mixed with envy or jealousy). Wái mo! Well done! Wái níya! He is a fine fellow! Wái níla! They are to be congratulated! How happy they are! Also used sarcastically: Wái mo, kay walâ ka magpáti sa ákon. It serves you right, because you would not listen to me.

wái, wá-i


Freedom from care or solicitude, happiness, content; to be carefree, be happy, be contented, live at ease, have no worry or trouble. Wái níla, kay manggaránon silá. They are carefree (can live at ease, are well off or happy), because they are rich. Wái níla sinâ, kay-maáyo ang íla kahimtángan,-yárà silá sa maáyo nga kahimtángan. That does not worry them, for they are well off. Mawái man níla kon magbalatián akó? What do they care, if I should fall ill? It would not affect them in the least, if I would take (if I took) ill.