(Sp. metafísica) Metaphysic, ontology.
To warp, bend, distort, contort, buckle, screw, deform, crush, pull out of shape, wrench out of shape, turn or twist out of the regular shape. Pabigongá ang kálò mo, agúd índì masiláwan sang ádlaw ang ímo mga matá. Turn down the brim of your hat, so that your eyes may not be dazzled by the sun. Sín-o ang nagpabigóng siníng sin? Who has bent this sheet of zinc? Ginpabigóng sang ádlaw ang bág-o nga tápì. The new plank was warped by the heat of the sun. (pa, bigóng).
Freq. of tagúntun-to spread, extend. See panagónton id.
To twist, contort the limbs, as in wrestling, dancing, etc.
To twist, contort, bend, curve in irregular form (limbs, etc); twisted, contorted. Sikrotót na ang láwas níya sa katigulangón. His body is twisted with age. Nagasikrotót ang íya láwas sa dakû nga katúgnaw. His body is contorted with the severe cold. (see sikrotóy, síktot, búktot, barikótot, sikóktot).
To contort the limbs, etc. See sikrotót.
(Sp. circo) Circus; to be an acrobat, contortionist, tumbler; to turn a somersault, turn head over heels. Magsírko ka. Turn a somersault. (see bansúlì).
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