To extend, spread all over, diffuse itself over, penetrate. Nagapanagónton ang kasakít sang íya hubág sa búg-os níya nga láwas. Ang búg-os níya nga láwas ginapanagontonán sang kasakít sang íya hubág. The pain of his boil is spreading all over his body. (see tagúntun, panagúntun id.).
To spread, extend, propagate, diffuse, advance, (particularly said of a swelling, of pain, etc.). (see panagónton).
To lower or let down by means of a rope, or the like. Hígti ang bakág sang kalát kag itónton gíkan sa bintánà. Tie a rope round the basket and lower it from the window. Tontoní kamí sing duhá ka plánsa nga sim. Let down (by a rope) two sheets of galvanized iron; we need them. (túntun id.).
Contortion, twisting of the limbs; to writhe, to twist the limbs, as when suffering from cramp, cold, great fear and the like. Nagabalikótot siá. He is contorting his limbs. Ginabalikótot níla ang íla mga láwas sa dakû nga katúgnaw. They are writhing on account of the great cold. Pasilónga ang báka, dì mo siá pagpabalikototón sa ulán. Put the cow under shelter, don't let her shiver with cold out in the rain.
To squeeze and twist, to compress and contort, to knead between the knuckles of the fore-and middle-finger; anything that contracts, compresses by twisting. Bantilí ang íya bútkon-or-bantilí siá sa íya bútkon. Squeeze and twist his arm. Binantilán níla ang kabáyo sa bibíg, kay pagamarkahán níla. They have twisted the horse's lip, for they are going to brand it. Ibántil iníng písì sa bibíg sang kabáyo. Use this string to twist the horse's lip with. Markahí na lang ang kabáyo, kay may bántil na ang íya bibíg. Now then mark or brand the horse, for the twisting cord is on its lip. Bantilí ang ákon likód, kay ginasíkmat akó. Knead-or-massage my back thoroughly, for I suffer from rheumatic pains there. (see láknit).
See balikótot-to contort (the limbs).
(H) Form, figure, image, likeness, appearance, outline, shape, species, conformation, cut, contour, look, aspect, phase, seeming, guise, semblance. Sa dágway sang --. In the form,-figure,-etc., of --. Sa idálum sang dágway sang tinápay kag bíno nga nakonsagrahán nahámtang ang matúod nga láwas kag dugô ni Hesukrísto. Under the species,-appearances,-forms,-etc. of consecrated bread and wine there is present the true body and blood of Jesus Christ. (see báyhon).
Scarcely perceptible, dim, hazy, indistinct, visible-in the far distance,-in contour,-in indistinct outlines; not clear or distinct (of sounds), scarcely audible.
Foolish, stupid, absurd. Linóko nga hámbal, búhat, etc. Stupid talk, a foolish deed, etc. (lóko, binúang, tinónto, etc.).
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