Search result(s) - láwà



To rise from the dead, to raise to life again. Si Hesukrísto nabánhaw sing mahimayáon. Jesus Christ rose glorious from the dead. Ginbánhaw sang Diós si Lásaro. Lazarus was raised by God from the dead. Pagabanhawón gid sang Diós ang tanán nga mga táo sa katapúsan sang kalibútan. God will certainly raise all men from the dead at the end of the world. Indì ka makapabánhaw sing karabáw nga patáy na. You cannot raise to life again a dead buffalo. Ang kaadláwan sang pagkabánhaw. The day of the Resurrection. Ang Domíngo sang Pagkabánhaw. Easter Sunday, the Sunday of the Resurrection.

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