A spider's web; to cover with a spider's web. Nalawáan ang kisamí. The ceiling is full of spiders' webs. Sing masamí ginalawáan ang mga púsud sang mga hulút. The corners of rooms are often covered with spiders' webs. Nagapakamanggaránon siá, ibágo nalawáan ang íya nga ánglit. He acts as if he were rich, whilst his small cooking pot is covered with spiders' webs i.e he has no rice any more, has to suffer hunger.
To pay out rope, loosen a line or string. Lawái sing písì ang ímo buladór. Give your kite more line. Magláwà ka sang kalát. Pay out more rope. Nagtáas ang buladór, kay ginlawáan ko sing písì. The kite soared high when I gave it more line. (see láwlaw).
Daily, every day.
(H) Anything to be paid for by daily labour. Ang asáwa nakakúhà sing kárne nga aladláwan sang íya bána. The wife took some meat, which her husband will pay for by his daily work. (see ádlaw).
(H) Battlefield, field of combat, scene of a fight. (áway).
(H) Motive of-, cause of-, reason for-, a quarrel or fight; anything fought for, or worth a fight. Ano ang ínyo alawayón? What are you fighting about?
Full of-, having many-, anílaw-trees.
Gold. Bús-og nga buláwan. Pure gold, solid gold.
Golden, gilt, made of gold, shining or precious like gold.
(H) To buy cereals, especially rice or corn. Dalawáta ang bugás ko. Buy my hulled rice. Dalawáti akó sing isá ka gántang nga bugás. Buy me a ganta of hulled rice. Indì ka makadaláwat dirí sing humáy, kay walâ sing makapadaláwat. You cannot buy rice here, because nobody can sell it. Idaláwat akó ánay sing tátlo ka gántang nga maís. Please buy for me three gantas of corn. Iníng písos idaláwat mo sing maís. This peso is for buying corn. This peso is to buy corn with. Walâ akó sing ikadaláwat. I have no means to buy rice (corn, etc.) with. Padalawáta akó sang ímo humáy. Sell me your rice.
(H) Observation post, lookout, window or any other position from which one can see who is below or passing by. (see gáwa).
Right of matrimony; fornication; to fornicate, use the right of matrimony, have sexual intercourse. Naghiláwas siá. He committed fornication. (see láwas).
See kaáblaw. Also: things that make social life agreeable.
A number of days, period of time; a fixed day like a birth-day, feast-day, a day of commemoration, etc. (ádlaw).
(H) Fun, funniness, drollery, ludicrousness, laughableness, ridiculousness, pleasantry, anything that excites laughter (with or without contempt); ridiculous, funny, droll, etc. (see kádlaw, kalaham-után).
A kind of plant. It is used as a remedy for painful or decaying teeth.
To receive Holy Communion, communicate. Nakakaláwat na ikáw? Have you been to Holy Communion? Sín-o ang ginakaláwat? Who is received in Holy Communion? Buás magakaláwat akó. To-morrow I will receive Holy Communion. Mangaláwat akó karón. I am going-to receive Holy Communion now. Ang masakít nga táo ginpakaláwat sang Párì. The sick man had Holy Communion administered to him by the Priest. The Priest gave the sick man Holy Communion.