Search result(s) - láwlaw



To loosen or lengthen a tether, rope, string, etc., pay out or give rope to. Lawlawí ang karabáw, kay támà kakúg-ung ang higót níya. Loosen the buffalo, for he is tied too closely. Give the buffalo a longer tether, because his rope is too short. Lawlawí akó sing kalát. Pay me out more rope. Nagláwlaw ang písì. The string has become loose. (see labóy, lábà, lábug).



To pay out rope, loosen a line or string. Lawái sing písì ang ímo buladór. Give your kite more line. Magláwà ka sang kalát. Pay out more rope. Nagtáas ang buladór, kay ginlawáan ko sing písì. The kite soared high when I gave it more line. (see láwlaw).



Long (of space and time); loose, not fixed, equivocal (of a word, speech, or the like); protracted, prolonged, confused (of thinking conjecturing); patient, forbearing, prudent, considerate, liberal, broad (of mind). Maláwlaw nga pagpainóíno. A prolonged-, protracted-, confused-, way of thinking. Maláwlaw siá sing hunâhúnà. He is broad-minded, liberal-minded, patient, prudent, or the like. (see láwlaw).