Search result(s) - lawás



Body, matter; the principal part or substance of; existence, reality.



To approach personally, have the courage of speaking personally to high authorities, etc., about any important matter. Ginlawás níya ang paghámbal sa mga punoán, sa mga ginikánan sang íya nga ginakaluyagán, etc. He had the courage of speaking personally to the authorities, to the parents of his intended, etc.



Any piece between two joints, as the tibia, thighbone, a bamboo-joint, a link of a chain, etc.



To move, to transfer one's residence, go to live somewhere else, to carry or transport to some other place. Nagántay kamí sa umá sang tigtalánum. During the planting-season we lived at the farm. Iántay ang mga kasangkápan sa bánwa. Transfer your outfit to the town. Kon matápus ang áni maántay kamí liwán sa bánwa. After the rice-harvest we shall move to town again. Antayi ang umá mo sa bakólod, kay maáyo sa ímo láwas ang pagpuyô mo didto. Go to live at your farm on the hill, for staying there is good for your health. (see líton).



Amulet, charm, any object worn in the belief that it possesses mysterious powers. Indì ka magpáti kag índì ka magdalá sa láwas mo sináng ginatawág nga antíng-ánting. Don't believe in, and don't wear on your body, those things called amulets. (see pinangálap).



(áwhang), To lean or hang out of a window or the like, so as to be in danger of falling in a moment of forgetfulness. Indì ka magáohang sa talamwáan. Don't lean out of the window. Indì mo pag-iáohang ang ímo láwas, kay básì mahúlug ka. Don't lean out too far, for you might tumble down. Sang paglubás sang kátay gináohang níya ang íya láwas sa bintánà kag nagtingká-ub kag nahúlug. When the parade passed by he leant out of the window, lost his balance and fell. Kon walâ níya pagaohangí ang kátay, walâ man siá mahúlug. If he had not stretched himself too far out to see the parade, he would not have tumbled down.



Opium. Indì ka magyúpyup sang apián, kay maláin inâ sa láwas páti kalág. Don't smoke (literally "suck in") opium, for it is bad for body and soul. Manugsiò sang apián. An opium-smoker, opium-eater. (see apyán id.).



An overflow; to overflow, escape or spill over the rim, said chiefly of liquids. Nagaáwas ang túbig sa láta or ang láta ginaawásan sang túbig. The water is overflowing the can. Awas may also mean: a pollution. Paáwas sang láwas-Masturbation; to cause pollution. (see káwas).

Contortion, twisting of the limbs; to writhe, to twist the limbs, as when suffering from cramp, cold, great fear and the like. Nagabalikótot siá. He is contorting his limbs. Ginabalikótot níla ang íla mga láwas sa dakû nga katúgnaw. They are writhing on account of the great cold. Pasilónga ang báka, dì mo siá pagpabalikototón sa ulán. Put the cow under shelter, don't let her shiver with cold out in the rain.



(B) To take physical exercise, to set one's limbs in motion. Ibanátbánat ang láwas mo. Exercise your body. Banátbanáta ang láwas kag kaugatán mo. Give exercise to your body and muscles. Ang táo nga walâ pagbanátbánat magabalatián sa madalî. A man that does not take any physical exercise will soon fall sick. (see bayátbáyat id.).



Stiffness, brittleness, strength; rigidity; to be or become stiff or brittle; to be or become strong, vigorous. Nagbáskug ang ákon báyò, kay natám-an sing almidón. My jacket is stiff, because it has been overstarched. Sa waláy duhádúha magabáskug ang íya láwas sa umá. No doubt, he will get strong again on the farm. Nagbolobáskug na siá liwán. He is now quite strong again. (see tískug, balískog, kusúg).



(B) Dim. and Freq. of batáng. To rise and lie down alternately, to be a little sick, feel indisposed. Nagabatángbátang siá, kay malúya ang íya láwas. She rises and lies down again, for she is weak.



To feel, sense, perceive, become aware of, notice, have a sensation, suffer, be indisposed or ill. Tungúd sang lakás nga pagdúmug mo karón pagabatiagón mo gid sa buás ang kasakít sang láwas mo. On account of your wrestling so much you will surely ache all over tomorrow. May ginabátiag siá. He is indisposed, feels a little ill. Sa hinálì nakabátiag akó sing dakû nga kasakít sa ákon kílid. Suddenly I felt great pain in the side. Ipabátiag mo ang látigo sa matámad nga karabáw. Give the lazy buffalo a taste of your whip. Kon matúod ang ímo ginasilíng magabátiag si nánay sing dakû nga kalípay. If what you say is true, mother will feel very glad. (see bátyag, bátì).



To keep the head proudly erect, to expand one's chest and throw the head slightly back, to strut, walk with pomposity or affected dignity. Indì ka magbáy-ad kon maglakát. Don't hold your head proudly erect when you walk. Ginapabáy-ad níya ang íya nga láwas. He carries himself proudly with his nose in the air. Indì mo pagibáy-ad ang ímo nga láwas kon maglakát ukón magpúngkò ka. Do not assume a haughty air when you walk or sit. (see báy-od, lí-ad).



To take physical exercise. Ibayátbáyat mo ang ímo nga láwas. Take physical exercise. Exercise your body. (see banátbánat, unátúnat).



Whole, entire, complete, integral, full, all together, no part missing; solid, not hollow; to make or form a whole, etc. Láwas kag kalág amó ang nagabilóg sa táo. Body and soul form the whole man. Ginkabilogán sang mga pumulúyò ang íla nga pándut. The inhabitants were all united for the celebration of their feast. Bilogón mo ang tsokoláte, dílì mo pagtabliyahón. Make the chocolate up in roundish lumps, not in tablets or slabs. Ibilóg akó ánay siníng sensílyo ko nga salapî. Kindly give me a "salapî" for these fifty centavos. Ginkabilogán níla ang amó nga sulát. They wrote that letter in common-or-they all agreed to despatch that letter. Nagbilóg ang duhá níla ka tagiposóon. Their two hearts were as one. Ginhatágan níya akó sing isá ka páhò nga bilóg. He gave me a whole mango. (i.e. not only part of it).



Increase, augmentation, progeny, offspring; to augment, increase, multiply. Ang kalabánan sang mga kágaw nagabúad sa támà nga kadásig. Most of the microbes multiply very rapidly. Iníng túbig nabuádan (nabuáran) sing madámù nga úlud. Many worms have been bred in this water. Ang mga báksat kag bitík dílì makabúad sa táo nga matínlo sing láwas kag panápton. Bugs and fleas cannot breed on a man that keeps his body and clothes clean. Amó iní ang ginabuáran sang mga báboy. This is the place where pigs are raised. Amó iní ang ginapabuáran ko sing mga báboy. Here I am breeding pigs. (see pamúad, buluarán, pabuluarán).



Weight, heaviness, ponderousness, heftiness; to be or become heavy, weighty, ponderous, hefty. A, nagbúg-at na ang báboy. Well, the pig has become heavy now. Nagbúg-at na ang kárga ko, kay nagbínhod ang ákon abága. My load feels heavy, because my shoulder is benumbed. Nabug-atán akó sinâ. That was too heavy for me. Indì ka magpabúg-at sang ímo láwas kon mapatíbong ka. Don't let yourself be a dead-weight, when you are carried on a man's shoulders. Fig.: Indì ka magpabúg-at sang pangabúhì sang ímo mga ginikánan. Don't be a burden to your parents. Nagbúg-at na kaáyo ang íya pagbátì. His condition has become very serious. He is very dangerously ill. (see tágbong).



Relapse; to suffer a relapse, fall sick again. Andam ka, agúd índì ka mabúghat. Take care, lest you have a relapse. Si Fuláno nga bág-o pa lang magáyo sa balaód nabúghat na, kay walâ siá magámlig sing maáyo sang íya láwas. N.N. who has lately recovered from dysentery has had a relapse, because he did not take good care of himself. (see lúkmat).



Straight, upright, erect, right, not bent, not curved; of equal diameter throughout, not tapering; mild, gentle, soft, simple, artless, guileless. Bunáyon ang íya láwas kag tangâ ang íya ágtang. His body is straight and his forehead erect. (see tádlong, tanús, bunáyag, bungáyon).

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