To migrate, move, go to live in another place, transfer one's abode, go to reside somewhere else (mostly with the intention of coming back to one's former place of residence after some time). Naglíton na silá sa umá. They have gone to live at the farm. Ginlíton níla ang íla pagpuyô sa Manílà. They went to live in Manila. Sán-o kamó magalíton sa umá? When will you transfer your residence to the farm? Ginlíton níya ang íya panimaláy sa Mindanáw. He went with his family to live in Mindanao. He emigrated with his family to Mindanao. Litóni ang umá. Líton ka sa umá. Go to live at the farm. (see kádto, amoyóng, puyô, lúntad, sáylo).
To move, to transfer one's residence, go to live somewhere else, to carry or transport to some other place. Nagántay kamí sa umá sang tigtalánum. During the planting-season we lived at the farm. Iántay ang mga kasangkápan sa bánwa. Transfer your outfit to the town. Kon matápus ang áni maántay kamí liwán sa bánwa. After the rice-harvest we shall move to town again. Antayi ang umá mo sa bakólod, kay maáyo sa ímo láwas ang pagpuyô mo didto. Go to live at your farm on the hill, for staying there is good for your health. (see líton).
To change one's abode, migrate, move, go to another place, transfer one's residence. (see líton).
Pertaining to, or affected with, bankolít, said of rice-kernels with the bankolít, or part of it, still adhering to them, as often happens, unless the rice is pounded very thoroughly.
That is to be, or can be, touched; tangible. (see káblit).
See mahálit.
Retired, modest, unobtrusive; in a corner, out of the way, hidden. (see hilít).
See oslitán id.
See oslitán id.
See oslít, oslitán, oslitón.
See oslít, oslitán, oslitón.
A line, stroke, sign or mark with a pencil, pen or the like; to line, sign, mark with a stroke of the pen, brush, etc. Badlitá or badlití ang papél sang ímo plúma. Mark the paper with a stroke of your pen. Ibádlit ang lápis sa káhoy. Mark the wood with the pencil. Iníng papél nabadlitán sing tátlo ka kúris. This paper has been marked with three strokes. Dílì mo pag-ipabádlit ang papél sa mga bátà. Don't permit the children to make lines on the paper. Indì mo siá pagpabadlitón sang papél. Do not allow him to make lines on the paper. Anhon mo kon amó inâ ang bádlit sang pálad mo? What can you do, if such is the streak in your fate? Ang íya mga kílay dáw binádlit sang isá ka tigduág. Her eyebrows are (were) like the strokes of a painter's brush. (see kúris, kúrit, kurít, kúdlit, etc.).
To whet, grind, sharpen, hone, put an edge on; to incite, urge, set on. Balitá ang labáha (nabáha). Sharpen the razor. Ibalít akó ánay sang ákon nabáha. Please, sharpen my razor for me. Indì mo siá pagbalitón sa pagpakigáway. Don't incite him to fight. (see báid).
Black and sticky, dark and wet, especially said of low grade cane-sugar or third and fourth class muscovado. Dulít nga kalámay. Dark-coloured and sticky cane-sugar. Also used as a verb. Indì mo pagdulitón sa isá ka túig ang ímo kalámay. Don't produce low-grade sugar next year.
(H) To get into the habit or knack of, accustom to, inure, exercise, habituate, train, allure, entice, tempt. Galíta siá sa paginúm sing diótay nga tubâ. Accustom him to drink a little toddy. Gingálit niya ang manók sa pagsámpok. He trained the cock to fight. Nagálit na siá sa pagkáon sing íbus. He is now accustomed to eating "íbus". Indì mo siá paggalíton sa paghámpang sang baráha. Don't induce, entice, allure, tempt him to play cards. Don't get him into the habit of playing cards. (see ánad, hánas, bánggad, pabuyó, palúyag).
(H) To provoke, excite, nettle, sting, enrage, exasperate, tease, irritate, make angry. Indì mo akó paggalitón. Don't make me angry. Gingalít níya ang ákon idô nga nagalokó sa báid. He teased the dog that was lying in the corner. Indì ka maggalít siníng karabáw, kay magasúngay (magapanúngay). Don't enrage this buffalo, for he will strike with his horns. (see balít).
Joking, jesting, making fun; jocularity, facetiousness; a joker, jester, clown, buffoon, one who is jocose and makes others laugh at his jokes. (see uslitón, uslitán, lahóglahogán, langás, alakáyo, etc.).