Search result(s) - sáylo



To go over to, change place, pass over or shift to another site, opinion, condition of life, etc. Nagsáylo siá sa pihák. He went over to the other side. Sáylo (magsáylo) ka sa síya nga sa likód mo. Change over to the chair behind you. Saylohá ang kodál sa pihák. Shift the fence to the other side. Nagsáylo siá sa mga makiangáyon. He went over to the democratic party. (see háylo, báylo).



To imitate, make like, make a copy or replica of, copy, translate, transfer. Huadá (-ará) iníng sulát nga ininglés sa áton nga panghámbal. Translate this English letter into our language. Huadí akó siníng sulát, kay akó índì makahibaló sang inalemán. Translate this letter for me, for I do not understand German. Huadá ang íya maáyo nga batásan. Imitate his good behaviour. Ihuád akó siníng kwádro, kay úyon ko gid. Please copy this picture for me, for I like it very much. Makahuád ikáw sinâ? Can you copy, (translate, imitate) that? Ang kán-on nga nabilín sa kólon ihuád sa pínggan kag tagóon. Put the rice left in the kettle on a plate and hide it-or-keep it in a safe place. (see lubád, pátpat, sáylo).



(H) To shift a little, change place or position, step or move forward (back, aside), give way, make room, recede, stand back, recoil, fall back, withdraw a little. Magidóg ka dídto. Stand (back) there. Idóg kamó sing diótay. Shift a little. Paidogá siá. Make him-get back a little,-move a little (in any direction desired). (see isdóg, ísol, sáylo).



(H) To shift a little, change place or position, step or move forward (back, aside), give way, make room, recede, stand back, recoil, fall back, withdraw a little. Magidóg ka dídto. Stand (back) there. Idóg kamó sing diótay. Shift a little. Paidogá siá. Make him-get back a little,-move a little (in any direction desired). (see isdóg, ísol, sáylo).



(Sp. copia) A copy; to copy. Ikópya-or-kopyahá iní sa líbro. Make a copy of this in the book-or-transfer this to the register. (see huád, sáylo).



To migrate, move, go to live in another place, transfer one's abode, go to reside somewhere else (mostly with the intention of coming back to one's former place of residence after some time). Naglíton na silá sa umá. They have gone to live at the farm. Ginlíton níla ang íla pagpuyô sa Manílà. They went to live in Manila. Sán-o kamó magalíton sa umá? When will you transfer your residence to the farm? Ginlíton níya ang íya panimaláy sa Mindanáw. He went with his family to live in Mindanao. He emigrated with his family to Mindanao. Litóni ang umá. Líton ka sa umá. Go to live at the farm. (see kádto, amoyóng, puyô, lúntad, sáylo).



Reformed, improved, reclaimed, changed for the better; to reform, become an honest member of society, conform to-the established order of things,-the ordinary rules of living, or the like, said especially of robbers, bandits, pirates, etc. Lumád na siá (Naglumád na siá) sa íya sádto nga pagkabuyóng. He has now reformed and given up being a robber. (see lísò, sáylo).



Shifting, displacement, removal; pardon, forgiveness; to let or order to pass over-, shift-, move-, transfer-, to somebody else or to some other place; to forgive, forget, pardon. Pasaylohá lang ang íya sayúp. Pardon his mistake (fault). Pasaylohá siá sa isá ka síya dídto. Let him take one of the chairs over there. (see sáylo, patáwad).



Dim. and. Freq. of sáylo. Also: one who-has no permanent residence,-wanders from place to place,-easily changes his opinion, his friends, etc.; a vagrant, loafer; a changeling, (see landólándo, tiógtióg, torotagwálo).



To join in a group, go over in a mass. Magtípiok kamó dídto sa íla. Go over to them in a group (mass). All of you, join them over there. Nagtípiok silá sa ámon. Gintipiokán níla kamí. They all of them together came over to our side (party). (see sáylo, típyok id.).



(Sp. traducción) Translation, version, interpretation. (see huád, sáylo, waní, (hinuád, sináylo, winaní)).



(B) To change from one vessel into another, to transfuse, transfer, translate. Wányon (Huarón, ihuád) mo ang bíno nga dián (yárà) sa damahuána sa mga botílya. Bottle the wine that is in the demijohn. Iwaní (Ihuád) akó anáy kadyáng (siníng) lánggaw sa prásko. Please pour this vinegar into the flask. Sulát nga winaní sa ininglés. A letter that has been translated into English. (see huád, sáylo).



(Sp. absolver) To absolve, acquit, declare free. A, kon amó inâ, índì akó makaabsolbér sa ímo. Oh, if that is so, I cannot absolve you. Absolbehí siá. Absolve him. Give him absolution. (see patáwad, luás, pasáylo).



(Sp. disimular) To pardon, excuse, condone, overlook, let pass. Kon mga saráng disimulahá lang iní. Please, excuse it, pardon it. (see patáwad, pasáylo, dispénsa).



To move, remove, budge, change the place of, shift to another position, transfer, shift, push or pull along the ground without lifting or carrying the object. Gihíta ang síya. Shift the chair. Bulígi akó sa paggíhit siníng mabúg-at nga tulungtúngan. Help me to move this heavy table to another position. Kon magsílhig kamó sang hulút, gihíti sang lamésa iníng lugár. When you sweep the room, shift the table to this place. Igíhit akó ánay siníng mga síya, kay may bisíta nga maabút. Kindly arrange this chairs in another position, because visitors are coming. Gihíti akó siníng síya. Move this chair for me. (i.e. move it towards me or away from me according to circumstances). (see pasáylo).



Pardon, remission, forgiveness, amnesty; to pardon, grant pardon, condone, absolve, remit, forgive, let off, acquit, reprieve. Patawára siá. Pardon him. Let him off. Indì mapatáwad ang salâ kon walâ sing paghinúlsul. Without contrition sin cannot be forgiven. Patawára lang siá siní nga sayúp. Forgive him this fault. (see pasáylo).



To transfer (in small quantities) the contents of one vessel to another. Saliahá ang túbig (sa) siníng alhíbi sa isá. Transfer the water from this tank to the other one. Ginsália níla ang humáy (sa) iníng malíndog sa tátlo ka tabungós. They transferred the rice from this large container to three tabungós-baskets. (see pasáylo).



Fault, error, fallacy, slip, miss, blunder, oversight, trip, stumble, misconception, misapprehension, misunderstanding, mistake; to commit a fault, to error, make a mistake, be mistaken, be in the wrong, be in error, to do wrong. Walâ siá sing sayúp. He is not at fault. It is not his fault. He is not to blame. Nakasayúp ka karón, índì ka magliwán. You made a mistake this time; don't do it again. Nasáypan (nasayupán) níya ang pagmítlang sang ininglés. He made a mistake in English pronunciation. Pasaylohá lang kon anó ang ákon nga nasáypan. Pardon whatever mistakes I may have made,-all the faults I have committed. (see salâ, tálang, pakasalâ, masinaláypon, kasáypan).



To offer, proffer, tender, afford, present, serve up, hold out to. Ginatán-ay níya ang pílak sa buút magsáylo sa íya búnghay. He is offering money to whosoever wants to join his party. Itán-ay ang kamót mo kay butangán ko sing isá ka hakúp nga dólse. Hold out your hand and I shall fill it with candies. Itán-ay ang kalípay, agúd makapahúway akó sang kalisúd. Suggest (Propose) some way of passing the time pleasantly, so that I may find some rest from my anxiety (trouble). Offer some cheerful diversion, that I may get relief from my distress. (see tányag, hátag).