Search result(s) - ísol



To step back, retire, withdraw, give way, make room, retreat, forsake, yield. Nagísol siá. He gave way, stepped back, withdrew. Natalawán silá kag nagilísol. Their courage forsook them and they retreated. Isóla siá. Put him back. Paisóla siá. Make him give way. Order him to stand back. Isóli akó. Isóli siá. Step back towards me. Retire towards him. Ginpaísol níla ang kodál. They moved the fence back. (see idóg, isdóg).



The tail proper of birds. (see iwí).



To step back, retire, withdraw, give way, make room, retreat, forsake, yield. Nagísol siá. He gave way, stepped back, withdrew. Natalawán silá kag nagilísol. Their courage forsook them and they retreated. Isóla siá. Put him back. Paisóla siá. Make him give way. Order him to stand back. Isóli akó. Isóli siá. Step back towards me. Retire towards him. Ginpaísol níla ang kodál. They moved the fence back. (see idóg, isdóg).



The tail proper of birds. (see iwí).



(Sp. atras) Backward, backwards, behind; to go behind, move backwards, leave or go away. Magatrás gid ikáw! Get back! Go away! (see ísol, isdóg, idóg).

hínta, híntà


Now then! Come on! Let us see. Hínta, ísol ka dídto. Now then, get back there. Hínta, pasúlnga akó. Now then, show it to me, let me see it. Hínta, ipabása mo sa ákon ang sulát. Well, let me read the letter. Hínta, ábi, tan-awón ko kon matúod in-á. Well! Fancy that! I want to see whether that is true. Hínta, dína (diín na) ang tulún-an nga ginsilíng mo? Now then, where is the book you mentioned? (see hánti, hatî).



(H) To shift a little, change place or position, step or move forward (back, aside), give way, make room, recede, stand back, recoil, fall back, withdraw a little. Magidóg ka dídto. Stand (back) there. Idóg kamó sing diótay. Shift a little. Paidogá siá. Make him-get back a little,-move a little (in any direction desired). (see isdóg, ísol, sáylo).



(H) To shift a little, change place or position, step or move forward (back, aside), give way, make room, recede, stand back, recoil, fall back, withdraw a little. Magidóg ka dídto. Stand (back) there. Idóg kamó sing diótay. Shift a little. Paidogá siá. Make him-get back a little,-move a little (in any direction desired). (see isdóg, ísol, sáylo).

ísdog, isdóg


To step aside, shift, move away. (see idóg, ísol).

ísdog, isdóg


To step aside, shift, move away. (see idóg, ísol).



(B) The tail (proper) of birds. Makaúyon ka sang iwí sang manók? Do you like to eat the tail of a chicken? (see ísol).



(B) The tail (proper) of birds. Makaúyon ka sang iwí sang manók? Do you like to eat the tail of a chicken? (see ísol).



This letter is pronounced as in English. Variously combined with vowels it is frequently made use of in the Visayan Dialect to form adjectives, nouns and plural verbal forms, e.g. bumulúthò, pumalaháyag, kalalát-an, sululátan, isulúlat, nagilinúm silá, nagilísol silá, nagdaláyaw silá, nagailinútud silá, etc. (Búthò, paháyag, láut, sulát, inúm, ísol, dáyaw, útud, etc.).

Many terms that in Hiligáynon contain the letter "l" have the letter "r" instead in Hiniráya, or Binukídnon, e.g. walâ-warâ, ílog-írog, dalága-darága, malayô-marayô, lángsì-rángsì, etc.



Dodge, evasion; to dodge, avoid, step aside, sidestep, evade, elude, start suddenly aside. Naglíkday siá, búsà walâ siá maígò. He stepped aside, therefore he was not hit. Likdayí ang bató. Dodge the stone. Kon walâ níya paglikdayí sing madalî ang lubí, walâ sing duhádúha nga nahulúgan siá. If he had not quickly dodged the coconut, he would certainly have been hit. (see liháy, líksi, idóg, ísdog, ísol, likáw, líktin).



Cowardice, pusillanimity, faintheartedness, timidity; to be or become cowardly, discouraged, skittish, to lose courage, quail, flinch, slink, cower, crouch, be cowed down, be timid or fainthearted. Nagtálaw siá. He became a coward. He winced, flinched, or acted like a coward (on this occasion, not having been a coward before). Nagpakítà siá sang íya pagkatálaw (pagkamatálaw). He showed, that he was a coward. Indì ka magpatálaw. Don't allow yourself to be intimidated. Don't lose courage. Ginataláwan akó sa íya. I consider him a coward. He appears to me to be a coward. Indì kamó magpakatálaw, kóndì magpakaísug kamó. Don't be cowards, but be brave. Ginhímò níya iní sa pagpatálaw sa ínyo, ápang índì gid kamó magpatálaw. He did this in order to make you fainthearted, but on no account permit yourselves to be discouraged. (see hádluk, ísol, patubalíng, paubág, pakitidalúm, paubús, dírham, kúlbà).



The form patutús is mostly used in the meaning of: to yield, give way, back down, submit. Indì gid siá magpatutús. He will not yield. He won't give in. He will not relent (relax). (see patubúk, paubág, patubalíng, ísol).



To cede or yield to, bow down to, not to dare (venture). Ang tanán nagaúmbo sa íya. Ginaumbohán siá sang tanán. No one dares to fight him. They are all afraid of him. (see hádluk, ísol, likáw).



To cede or yield to, bow down to, not to dare (venture). Ang tanán nagaúmbo sa íya. Ginaumbohán siá sang tanán. No one dares to fight him. They are all afraid of him. (see hádluk, ísol, likáw).



To step back, make room, give (make) way; to postpone, procrastinate; to extend, prosper, go on well, succeed, advance, make progress. Uswag (Magúswag, umúswag) kamó dirâ. Step back there, make room. Kon amó inâ índì makaúswag ang áton bánwa. If things are so then our town cannot make any progress. Ginpaúswag níla ang kaadláwan sang íla pándut. They postponed the day of their feast. Pauswagá ang ímo palatikángan. Extend your business. (see idóg, ísol, tín-ad, sányog, kaayohán, kauswágan).



To step back, make room, give (make) way; to postpone, procrastinate; to extend, prosper, go on well, succeed, advance, make progress. Uswag (Magúswag, umúswag) kamó dirâ. Step back there, make room. Kon amó inâ índì makaúswag ang áton bánwa. If things are so then our town cannot make any progress. Ginpaúswag níla ang kaadláwan sang íla pándut. They postponed the day of their feast. Pauswagá ang ímo palatikángan. Extend your business. (see idóg, ísol, tín-ad, sányog, kaayohán, kauswágan).

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