Search result(s) - tányag



To tender, offer, proffer, hold out to. Gintányag níya sa ákon ang íya nga karabáw. He offered me (to sell) his buffalo. Itányag mo sa íya ang umá nga ginabalígyà mo. Make him an offer of (Proffer him) the field you are selling. Magtányag ka sa kay Fuláno sang amó nga palangakóan. Offer that position to N.N. Gintanyagán níya akó sing alagarán sa íya nga kumbuyahán. He held out to me employment in his company.



To offer for sale, sell (second hand), put up for sale, look for a buyer, try to dispose of (jewelry, watches, pictures, furniture, etc.). Ihándal mo ang ímo mga arítos sa ahénsya. Offer your ear-rings to the pawnbroker. Ginhandalán níya akó sang íya réloh. He wanted me to buy his watch. Kon malúyag ka gid maghándal sang ímo pulséras, ihándal mo sa ígò kag matárung nga bilí. If you really wish to dispose of your bracelets, sell them at a fair and honest price. (see tányag, hángdal).



Freq. of tányag-to offer (for sale, etc.).

tagál, tágal


To impel, drive, push forward, instigate, induce, put forward; to make use of the services of another for obtaining a favour, etc. from a third person; to guide, direct, point out, show. Sonô sang maáyo ukón maláin nga paghimánwa ang isá ka púngsud ginatagál (matagál) sa kaayohán ukón sa kalaínan. According to a good or bad management of public affairs a nation is led (driven, directed) towards prosperity or misery. Si Fuláno gid ang dáyon níla ginatagál sa pagpanáysay sa ákon sang íla mga kinahánglan. They always make use of N.N.'s services to let me know what they want. Itagál si Fuláno. Instigate, induce, put forward N.N. Make use of (Use) N.N. for your purpose. Kon sókton gánì siá sang íya útang sa gihápon ginatagál níya ang íya kabáyo. Whenever payment of his debt is demanded of him he always points to his horse, i.e. as much as to say: "Will you take my horse in payment of my debt"? or "Please wait until I shall have been able to sell that horse of mine". (see dáldal, tulúd, tányag, tóytoy, túltul).



To offer, proffer, tender, afford, present, serve up, hold out to. Ginatán-ay níya ang pílak sa buút magsáylo sa íya búnghay. He is offering money to whosoever wants to join his party. Itán-ay ang kamót mo kay butangán ko sing isá ka hakúp nga dólse. Hold out your hand and I shall fill it with candies. Itán-ay ang kalípay, agúd makapahúway akó sang kalisúd. Suggest (Propose) some way of passing the time pleasantly, so that I may find some rest from my anxiety (trouble). Offer some cheerful diversion, that I may get relief from my distress. (see tányag, hátag).



To like, get, eat, take willingly, wish to have, be partial to or fond of food, sweets, etc. Nagpaistíísti ka sang pagtányag ko sa ímo sang páhò, ugái naglásti ka man. You would not take the mango I offered you, but all the time you wanted it very much. (see úyon, lúyag, ílà).



To cause an aversion, antipathy or objection. Walâ ko pagbákla ang husáy nga gintányag níya sa ákon, kay may ginsídngan akó. I did not buy the comb he offered me, because I had some objection to it. May ginasilúngan (ginasídngan) akó sinâ. I have an objection or antipathy against it. I find some fault in it.