(Sp. guasa, guason) Lively, cheerful, good-humoured; to be lively or of a cheerful disposition; to flow freely; to exude, to break forth, particularly applied to matter or pus oozing out of a wound, ulcer or boil. Ang komód nga táo dílì agwása. A man inclined to retirement and silence is not of a lively disposition. Nagaagwása na ang hubág. Pus is now flowing from the tumour. Ginapaagwása níla ang hubág. They are using remedies to cause the pus to flow from the tumour. Paagwasáha ang hubág. Make the tumour (by pressure, etc.) discharge its matter. Ipaagwása akó ánay sang ákon hubág sa lí-og. Kindly remove the matter (by pressure, poultices, etc.) from the tumour on my neck. Si Fuláno dúro gid kaagwása sa íya mga sugilánon. N.N. is very cheerful in his talk. N.N. is a chatterbox.
Cheerfulness, good humour, liveliness. (agwása).
Extravagance, prodigality. (agwása).
Lively, cheery, cheerful, of good cheer, good-humoured, jocund, jovial, joyous, gay, blithe, sprightly; wastrel, prodigal, spendthrift, lavish. (see agwása).