(Sp. alhajas) Jewels, jewelry; adornments, trinkets, etc. made of the precious metals with or without stones.
Decoration, embellishment, adornment, finery, trinket, jewel, jewelry, jewellery; to adorn, decorate, embellish, array, beautify, clothe with more than ordinary elegance. Sín-o ang naghiás sang altár nga mayór? Who decorated the High-Altar? Sín-o ang magahiás sang laráwan ni María Santísima? Who will decorate the Statute of the Blessed Virgin? Nahiasán siá sing buláwan kag madámù nga mga bató nga maídlak. She was adorned with gold and many glittering stones. Ihiás mo sa íya iníng kadéna páti medálya nga buláwan. Put this chain and gold medal on her as an adornment. Ginhiasán níla ang nóbya sing madámù nga mga aláhas. They decked out the bride with many jewels. (see puní).
The soft Visayan aspirate is best represented by the letter "H" pronounced as in English. Therefore the letter "J" can be dispensed with in writing Visayan, even when Spanish words occur, such as:-Jesucristo, José, alhajas, etc., which are spelled:-Hesukrísto, Hosé, aláhas, etc.
To wear jewels (jewelry, jewelery). (see aláhas).
Caus. of tágò. To let, etc. hide, preserve. Patagóa siá sang ímo kwárta. Let him guard your money. Let him put your money in a safe place. Ipatágò sa íya ang ímo aláhas. Entrust your jewelry to him for safe keeping. Patagói siá sang ímo kwárta. Let him be the guardian of your money. Ginpatágò níla ang mga síngsing nga buláwan. They had their golden rings-hidden (hid),-put in hiding.