Search result(s) - anggíd-ánggid



Dim. of ánggid. Nearly alike, something like, similar, resembling a little, etc. (see agíd-ágid, apít-ápit).



Similar, like, resembling; to resemble, to be like or similar. Nagaagíd-ágid silá sing pamatásan. They resemble each other in their ways or behaviour. Agid-agída silá, kon nagaparého ang íla dágway. Compare them to see, whether their shape is the same. Iníng baláy, agíd-ágid sa ámon. This house is something like ours. (see ánggid, anggíd-ánggid).



(H) Dim. of amó. To be about the same, to resemble, be something like. Ang tunúg siníng linggánay nagakaamóámo sa tunúg sang linggánay sa ámon bánwa. The sound of this bell is nearly the same as that of the bell in our town. Amóámo silá nga duhá sing kataasón. They are both of about the same height. (see agíd-ágid, anggíd-ánggid).



Dim. of ángay. Also: To compare. Angáy-angáya silá nga duhá kon nagaparého ang íla kataasón. Compare the two of them to find out whether they are equal in height. Angáy-ángay ang íla guyá, ang duág sang íla báyò, etc. They have pretty much the same face, the colour of their jackets is about the same, etc. (see anggíd-ánggid).



Likeness, similarity, resemblance, similitude; like, similar, resembling; to be like or similar to, to compare with. Walâ sing ánggid sa íla nga duhá. There is no resemblance between the two. Anggid silá nga duhá-or-nagaánggid silá nga duhá. The two of them resemble each other-or-are like each other. Ang kápid nagaánggid gid. The twins are very much like each other-or-very much alike. Iánggid (but better "ipaánggid") iníng estampíta sa isá, kay tan-awón ko kon parého silá. Compare this picture with the one there, for I want to see, whether they are alike or resemble each other. Paanggidí ang patádyong ko, kon maghabúl ka sang ímò. Imitate or copy my skirt, when you weave one for yourself. (see agid-ágid).



Like, as, similar to, as it were, as if, about, resembling, having the semblance of; it seems, appears, may. Iníng káhoy matíg-a nga daw salsálon. This wood is as hard as iron. Daw butíg ang íya nga ginsúgid. What he said seems to be untrue. Daw sa dílì na akó makabatás sinâ. It appears to me that I can stand that no longer. Daw sa magadaúg siá. It looks as if he may win. Kon daw sa walâ gid ikáw sing lúyag sa pagdúaw sa iya, --. If you really shouldn't like to pay him a visit, --. Daw lángit. Like heaven. (see súbung, bílang, ánggid, apít-ápit).



Similarity, likeness, resemblance. (ánggid).



Resemblance, somewhat like or similar.



Similar, like, resembling, uniform with, the image of, very much the same, much of a muchness, of a piece. (ánggid).



Somewhat resembling, like, not unlike.



class="hw">olo-, A diminutive particle that is either prefixed (to words beginning with a vowel) or inserted (between the first consonant and the first vowel of words beginning with a consonant), e.g. oloáslum (áslum); oloánggid (ánggid): bolobúg-at (búg-at); dolodápya (dápya); tolotámbok (támbok); nagtolotáwhay (táwhay), etc. etc.



class="hw">olo-, A diminutive particle that is either prefixed (to words beginning with a vowel) or inserted (between the first consonant and the first vowel of words beginning with a consonant), e.g. oloáslum (áslum); oloánggid (ánggid): bolobúg-at (búg-at); dolodápya (dápya); tolotámbok (támbok); nagtolotáwhay (táwhay), etc. etc.



To compare with, liken to, illustrate by a similitude or simile, make or institute a comparison between. Ipaánggid, mo ang isá sa isá. Compare the one with the other. Ang kabúhì sang táo ginapaánggid sa umalági nga búlak. The life of man is like a passing flower. (pa, ánggid).



Likeness, simile, similitude, figure, image (of speech), resemblance, analogy, parallel, parallel case; parable, comparison, (see ánggid, halimbáwà, katúlad, pananglítan).