Blindman's buff. Nagahámpang silá sang butábúta. They are playing blindman's buff. Sín-o ang butábúta? Who is the blind man? (see butá).
Blindman's buff, Blind Harry; to play hide and seek. (see butábúta).
(B) A cover for the face, mask, vizor, face-guard of a helmet; to blindfold, bandage the eyes, hoodwink (especially in the game of butábúta (Blindman's buff, Blind Harry). Sín-o ang natámngan (butábúta, butá)? Who was blindfolded? Who was "blindman"? Támngi nínyo (tána). (Bugkusí nínyo sing pányò ang íya mga matá). Blindfold him.