Search result(s) - dóol



Cork, stopple, stopper, plug, bung, spike; to cork, stopple, etc. Doóli ang botílya. Cork the bottle. (see súngsung).



Sucker, offshoot, shoot, (as of the pagátpat-tree, etc.).



To establish firm contact with, compress, press down, exert pressure upon. Indì makadóol ang íya tiíl sa salúg, kay may hubág. He cannot put his foot to the floor, for it-is swollen,-has a boil or ulcer. (see doót).



To come into physical contact with, feel, touch, handle, finger, fumble. Walâ siá makadoót sa ákon. He did not touch me. Padót-i (padootí) ang ímo túdlò sang íya túdlò. Bring your finger in contact with his. Nagadot-ánay ang duhá ka pilewpilewán sang kawáyan. The tops of the two bamboos are touching each other. Padót-a iníng tápì sa isá. Join this board to the other, (so that they may be closely connected). Indì ka magdoót or magpadoót sa íya. Don't touch him. Don't approach so near as to touch him. (see dóol).

See dóo, doók, dóol, doóm, doón. doót.