(H) Fine, prickly hairs or down on various grasses which cause an unpleasant irritation, if they come in contact with the skin; paleae, chaff. Also verb: Nagilókan ang ákon bútkon kag batíis sang bugáng. The prickly hairs of the bugáng-grass clung to my arms and legs. (see gírok).
Full of-, pertaining to-, gílok-prickly hairs, down.
(B) Chaff, paleae, fine prickles on grass, etc. See gílok.
Resembling-, like-, as fine as-, as small as-, fine or small chaff called "gílok", etc. Walâ siá sing bisán malagílok nga salâ. He is not at fault at all. He does not deserve the slightest blame.