Search result(s) - hátol



(B) To take or bring with. Diín mo hatólon ang bátà? Where are you taking the baby? Anó ang ginahátol mo? What are you bringing with you? Ginhatólan níya akó sang ákon sapátos. He brought me my boots. (see dalá, dádol, hatúd).



(B) Dim. and Freq. of hátol. (see daládála).



To take there, convey, carry, transfer to. Ihatúd mo inâ dídto. Take that there. Carry that over there. Hátdi (hatudí) siá siníng mga ságing. Hand these bananas to him. Ginhatúd mo na dídto sa kay Fuláno ang mga sapátos nga íya gintúgon?-Walâ pa akó makahatúd sinâ, kay masákò ang trabáho ko karón, ápang pagaihatúd ko gid inâ dídto sa buás sa ága. Have you taken the boots to N.N., as ordered by him?-No, I could not take them there as yet, for I am very busy at present, but I will certainly deliver them there to-morrow morning. (see dalá, hátol).