Search result(s) - kamáda



(Probably from the Sp. cama) A stack, heap, pile; to stack or pile wood, etc. Kamadáha ang káhoy. Stack the wood. Ikamáda akó sináng gatóng. Please pile up that fire-wood for me.



A layer, stratum, course (of bricks, etc.); a sheet, board; pile, stack; to arrange by laying one thing on top of another, said of leaves, sheets, boards and the like. Anibá ang mga papél, tulún-an, tápì, etc. Lay the papers, books, boards, etc. nicely one on top of the other. Ianíb ang mga tápì sa idálum sang baláy-or-anibí ang idálum sang baláy sang mga tápì. Put the boards neatly one on top of the other on the ground-floor of the house. (see kamáda).



To stack, pile up, make a pile of (wood, etc.). Hantalá ang káhoy. Stack the wood. Hantalí akó siníng gatóng. Make for me a pile of this firewood. Ihántal ang káhoy sa idálum sang baláy. Stack the wood under the house. Ihántal akó ánay siníng mga halígi sa bodéga. Please pile up these posts in the store-room. (see kamáda).



To pile one thing above another in regular order, stack (leaves, sheets, boards, etc.). Hapnigá ang mga dáhon sang búyò, tabákò, etc. Arrange the buyo-, tobacco-leaves etc. neatly in a pile. Hapnigí akó sináng mga papél. Put those papers together in a pile for me. Ihápnig akó ánay sináng mga rebísta nga nagadulúm-ok. Please pile up neatly those reviews lying about in disorder. Ihápnig nínyo ang mga tápì sa idálum sang baláy. Stack the boards underneath the house. (see hántal, kamáda, aníb).



To pile, stack, arrange in order. Laknibá ang mga tápì. Pile up the boards. Laknibí akó sináng mga tápì. Stack those boards for me. Nalaknibán níla sing tápì ang idálum sang baláy. They piled up boards on the ground-floor of the house. Iláknib akó siníng mga papél. Please put these papers in order for me. (see aníb, kamáda).



To arrange, put in order, regulate. Saráya ang mga síya. Set the chairs in their proper position (places). Put the chairs in order. (see húsay, kamáda, kaláging).



Stack, heap, pile of grain in the sheath, sheaf, bundle of grain or straw; to stack, pile, sheaf, make a heap (of grain in the sheath). Nagatúmpi (Nagatulúmpi) silá sang íla nga ginálab. They are stacking what they have cut with the sickle (what they have reaped). Tumpihón nínyo ang humáy. Stack the rice. Koralán nínyo ang tinumpihán sang humáy, agúd índì maábtan sang mga háyup. Build a fence around the rice stack so that the animals (cattle) cannot get at it. (see túmpok, kamáda, aníb).



A pile, heap, stack, mound, barrow, cairn, clump, mass (of wood, earth, stones, etc.); to pile, stack, amass, heap together, heap (up), make a heap of. Tumpoká ang mga bató. Put the stones together in a heap. Pile up-, Make a heap of-, the stones. Tinumpokán níla sang mga páhò ang látok. They put the mangoes in a heap on the table. Sa gihápon may mga tinúmpok nga ságing nga ginabalígyà sa tiénda. There are always piles of bananas for sale at the market. Ipatúmpok sa táo yanáng mga káhoy nga nalápta dirâ. Get someone to gather together in a heap the pieces of wood lying about over there. (see kamáda, túmpi).