Search result(s) - kugán



A scab, scar, cicatrix, cicatrice. (see pálì, pinalían).



Scales, scab, scurf, forming on wounds or ulcers, during the healing process. Hugási ang dángog sang ímo butí. Bathe the scabs of your smallpox. (see kugán).



To separate from, detach, tear off things that are stuck with glue, gum, paste, etc. Indì ka magóklab sang prankíyo. Don't tear off the postage stamp. Oklabá ang kugán sang ímo katúl. Take off the scab formed by your skin-disease "katúl". Oklabí akó sang mga sílyo siníng mga sóbre. Take the stamps off these envelopes for me.



To separate from, detach, tear off things that are stuck with glue, gum, paste, etc. Indì ka magóklab sang prankíyo. Don't tear off the postage stamp. Oklabá ang kugán sang ímo katúl. Take off the scab formed by your skin-disease "katúl". Oklabí akó sang mga sílyo siníng mga sóbre. Take the stamps off these envelopes for me.



Avaricious, greedy, covetous, voracious, ravenous, gluttonous; a glutton, gourmand, gormandizer; expensive, costly. (see hákug, maámbas).



To need, cost, want, use up, consume or take much, be greedy of, be expensive. Indì ka maghákug sang ikáon. Don't finish too much of the side-dish. Ginhákug níya ang paginúm sang bíno kag nahubúg. He took too much wine and got drunk. Hinakúgan gid níya ang pagkáon sing báboy. He gorged himself with pork. Iníng paghímos mo sang talóng nagahákug sang mantékà. Your preparation of the egg-plant in this way takes a lot of lard. (see ámbas).