To transfer or remove to another site, set up somewhere else, especially applied to small native houses, first taking off and transporting the roof and then the rest. Ligáwon nínyo ang ákon baláy. Transfer my house to another site. Ligáwi nínyo ang ákon útud sang íya baláy nga árà dirâ sa bánwa kag dálhon nínyo sa umá. Transfer my brother's town house to the farm. (see óhong-to remove a house, posts and roof, in one load, to another place).
(H) What is to--, can--, should--, be removed to some other site or place; transferable, transplantable. (see lígaw).
A kind of mushroom; to remove a house, post and all, and transfer it to another site. Ginóhong níla ang baláy ni Fuláno. They removed N.N.'s house, posts and all, to another place. Ang ímo baláy (lám-ag) támà kadakû nga daw sa índì maóhong, kóndì malígaw lang. Your house is too large to remove in one load, but it can be removed in parts, piecemeal (by transferring the roof, the post, etc. separately). Ohónga lang nínyo ang íya baláy. Just take up and transfer his house in one load. N.B. The second meaning seems to be derived from the first, as in the operation called "óhong" a house is taken up and removed just as an óhong-mushroom is taken from the ground and carried away root and all.
A kind of mushroom; to remove a house, post and all, and transfer it to another site. Ginóhong níla ang baláy ni Fuláno. They removed N.N.'s house, posts and all, to another place. Ang ímo baláy (lám-ag) támà kadakû nga daw sa índì maóhong, kóndì malígaw lang. Your house is too large to remove in one load, but it can be removed in parts, piecemeal (by transferring the roof, the post, etc. separately). Ohónga lang nínyo ang íya baláy. Just take up and transfer his house in one load. N.B. The second meaning seems to be derived from the first, as in the operation called "óhong" a house is taken up and removed just as an óhong-mushroom is taken from the ground and carried away root and all.