Search result(s) - múad



To increase, multiply, propagate, breed, teem, procreate, have offspring. Nagmúad na gid iníng panimaláy. This family has increased very much. (see búad, pamúad).

Increase, multiplication, propagation, procreation, augmentation, production, growth, increment. (see búad, múad).



Freq. of búad-to increase, multiply, procreate, augment, be prolific.



Increase, augmentation, progeny, offspring; to augment, increase, multiply. Ang kalabánan sang mga kágaw nagabúad sa támà nga kadásig. Most of the microbes multiply very rapidly. Iníng túbig nabuádan (nabuáran) sing madámù nga úlud. Many worms have been bred in this water. Ang mga báksat kag bitík dílì makabúad sa táo nga matínlo sing láwas kag panápton. Bugs and fleas cannot breed on a man that keeps his body and clothes clean. Amó iní ang ginabuáran sang mga báboy. This is the place where pigs are raised. Amó iní ang ginapabuáran ko sing mga báboy. Here I am breeding pigs. (see pamúad, buluarán, pabuluarán).