Search result(s) - paágsa



To let fields on lease (for part or one half of the produce). Ipaágsa sa íya ang ímo dútà-or-paagsahí siá sang ímo dútà. Let him have your field on lease. Lease him your land. Paagsahá siá. Grant him the lease of the land. (pa, ágsa).



(Sp. alquilon) Hirer, one who hires out anything; anything for hire, as a vehicle, etc. (see hinákay, hilinakayán, ágsa, paágsa).



To work another's fields for part of the produce. Agsa ko lang iníng umá. I work this farm only as a tenant. Sín-o ang ginaagsahán mo? Who is the owner of your leasehold? Ang agsadór ko amó ang nagaágsa sang ákon dútà. My tenant is the one who works my farm. Ginapaágsa níya ang íya dútà sa isá ka salalígan nga agsadór. He let his land on lease to a trustworthy tenant. Kon may lúyag ka ipaágsa ko sa ímo ang ákon umá. If you like, I'll let you have my farm in tenure by lease. Agsahí siá. Become his tenant. Take his land in tenure by lease. Take some of his land on lease.



To chip-, trim-, dress-, hew-, wood by cutting or splitting off small pieces. Agsapí ang káhoy. Dress the wood by chipping. Inágsap nga káhoy. A chip-, splinter-, of wood. Ang mga inágsap sang kawáyan ginapaámak sa kaláyo. Bamboo-trimmings are useful for lightning or kindling a fire. Iágsap akó ánay siníng káhoy. Please trim this piece of wood for me. Nagtínlò na ang inagsapán nga halígi. The post that was trimmed has become smooth. Paagsapá ang pánday siníng halígi. Let the carpenter trim this post. (see sápsap).



A rice-measure of twenty-five gantas to the bushel. Ipaágsa ka sa ímo ang ákon talámnan kon sugút ikáw sa pagbáyad sa ákon sa tuígtúig sing duhá ka púlò ka pásong nga humáy sa réyna (nga solókban, pasongán). I'll let you have my land on lease, if you agree to pay me a yearly rental of twenty bushels of rice. Old people use to say: Ang duhá ka pásong sa probínsya, kon sókbon sa réyna, mahímò nga tátlo ka pásong. Two bushels of the "sa probínsya" standard are equal to three bushels, if measured by the "sa réyna" standard.