Search result(s) - pagánya



To entice, allure, attract, bewitch; to cheat, deceive. Paganyahá siá. Entice (allure, cheat) him. (see pagánda, pagányat).



To entice, allure, attract; to deceive, cheat. Pagandahá siá. Allure him. Lure him on. Attract him. Pagandahá siá siníng síngsing-or-ipagánda mo sa íya iníng síngsing, agúd íya báklon. Show this ring to advantage, in order that he may buy it. (see pagánya, pagányat).



See pagánda, pagánya.



To separate from the ears, cause to fall out, spoil (said of cereals). Natúbas (Nagkatúbas) ang humáy sa uháy, kay nalapákan sang kabáyo. The rice was spoilt, because it was trampled by horses. Ang bágyo nagtúbas (nagpatúbas) sang humáy. The hurricane spoilt the rice-crop (by shaking (separating) the ripe grain from the ear). Natúbas ang humáy siníng talámnan, kay walâ pagánya sang tagíya. (Natúbas ang páray sa tarámnan nga diá, hay warâ nagánya kang tagíya). The rice was spoiled (spoilt) in this field, because the owner did not harvest it in time.



To like, wish to have, desire, fancy, long for, take to, go in for, be attracted by or pleased with, hanker after. Nagánya akó siníng báyò. I like (or am pleased with) this jacket. Kon makítà mo ang íya bág-o nga baláy magánya ka gid. When you see his new house, you will certainly like it very much. Ganyahá (paganyahá) siá sa pagbakál siníng mga sapátos. Make him fancy and buy these boots. Ginpagánya ko siá sa pagupúd sa ákon. I persuaded him to accompany me. Nagánya siá sa pagsugál. He has taken to gambling. He has gone in for gambling. (see lúyag, gána, bangá).