Search result(s) - pakiana



(H) To ask information, interrogate, ask questions, to question, inquire, query. Pinakiánhan siá ni nánay kon diín siá maghalín. Mother asked him where he came from. Nagpakiána siá sa ákon kon diín ang dálan padúlong sa Manílà. He asked me the way to Manila. (see pangutána, pángkot, pamángkot).



Information, news. (Now obsolete; see pakiána-to inquire, ask).



Almost exclusively used in the freq. form "pangutána"-to ask, inquire, solicit information. Mangutána ka sa íya. Ask him for information. Anó ang ginapangutána mo? What is it you wish to know? What are you inquiring about? Pangutánhi-or-pangután-i siá. Interrogate, question or interpellate him. Pangutánha-or-pangután-a siá. Ask him. Inquire of him. (see pakiána, pamángkot, pángkot).



(B) To ask, request information. Walâ mo gánì pagpakintudá (-orá) kon matúod iná ukón butíg. You did not even ask, whether that was true or not. (see pángkot, pamángkot, pakiána, pakisáyod, pangutána).



To ask information, question, interrogate, inquire. Pangkotá siá kon diín ang íya agálon. Ask him where his master is. Napángkot na siá sing makadámù, ápang walâ siá pagsúgid sang ginpángkot sa íya. He has been asked (already) many times, but-does not tell what is asked of him,-has not answered the questions put to him. Anó ang igapángkot mo sa íya? What are you going to ask him (about)? (see pamángkot, pamangkotánon, pakiána, pangutána).



To ask information, ask questions, question, interrogate, inquire. (Pangutánha) Pangután-a siá. Ask him. Inquire of him. (Pangutánhi) Pangután-i siá. Question him. Ask him. (see pamángkot, pakiána).



A question, interrogation, catechizing, inquiry, query, interpellation; to question, ask a question, catechize, interrogate, interpellate, inquire, demand. Toksoá siá sa nahanungúd sang íya pagpangabúdlay. Question him with regard to his work. Ask him about his work. Toksoón ko ikáw karón kon nakasaoló ka sang mga tóksò kag sabát. Presently I shall examine you to know whether you have learned by heart the questions and answers. (see pamángkot, pangutána, pakiána, pakisáyod).