Search result(s) - pamanwa



The management or direction of a township; to live as a citizen, take part in public affairs, etc.; to govern a municipality, etc. (see bánwa, himánwa).



Management of public affairs; to govern, rule a commonwealth, administer a township, state, etc., take part in politics or the administration of public affairs. (see bánwa, pamánwa).



(Sp. política) Politics; clever management, trick, machination, plot, plan. (see pamánwa, himánwa, pahítò, patúga). Also: cunning politeness; to act like a politician with studied kindness and tactfulness.



Fit, proper, suitable, adapted, apt, pertinent, idoneous, apposite, harmonious, deft; indefinite, double-edged, cutting both ways, ambiguous. Ang duág nga líla saliagúm, kay ángay sa maputî kag ángay man sa maitúm. Lilac (colour) is apposite, for it goes well with white and also with black. Si Fuláno saliagúm, kay maálam magpangúma kag maálam man magpamánwa. N.N. is a deft man, for he knows how to till the soil as well as how to take part in the administrative affairs of the town.