Search result(s) - bánwa



Town, city, municipality, state, common-wealth, public weal; citizens, electors, inhabitants; to become a town. Ang bánwa nga nataóhan níya --. The town in which he was born --. His native town --. Ang bánwa amó ang magahukóm sinâ. The citizens will sit in judgment over that. Ang kaayóhan sang bánwa walâ pagakabalák-i sang ibán nga mga polítiko. Some politicians do not bestow any thought on what is for the good of the state or common-wealth. Pangólo-bánwa. Municipal President. Ulo-bánwa. Principal city, capital. Iníng arabál nagbánwa na. This large village has now become a township or municipality. (see púngsud, puód, puók, arabál, báryo, minurô).



To be attracted by, to be drawn towards. Ang mga ragárága nagaamág sang sugâ. The insect "ragaraga" seeks the light or is drawn towards the light. Ang bátà nagaamág sa íya ilóy. The child clings to-, desires to be with-, its mother. Paamagí ang idô sing kárne. Attach the dog to you by giving him some meat. Iníng dólse iamág (ipaamág) ko sa bátà. These sweets I'll use to draw the child towards me. Ang pamulákan ginaamagán sang mga alibángbang. The flower-garden allures the butterflies. Iníng táo nagaamág lang sang kinaíya, dílî sang kaayóhan sang bánwa. This man is working for his own profit, not for the good of the town.



(H) Dim. of amó. To be about the same, to resemble, be something like. Ang tunúg siníng linggánay nagakaamóámo sa tunúg sang linggánay sa ámon bánwa. The sound of this bell is nearly the same as that of the bell in our town. Amóámo silá nga duhá sing kataasón. They are both of about the same height. (see agíd-ágid, anggíd-ánggid).



To move, to transfer one's residence, go to live somewhere else, to carry or transport to some other place. Nagántay kamí sa umá sang tigtalánum. During the planting-season we lived at the farm. Iántay ang mga kasangkápan sa bánwa. Transfer your outfit to the town. Kon matápus ang áni maántay kamí liwán sa bánwa. After the rice-harvest we shall move to town again. Antayi ang umá mo sa bakólod, kay maáyo sa ímo láwas ang pagpuyô mo didto. Go to live at your farm on the hill, for staying there is good for your health. (see líton).



To sack, rob, steal, plunder. Ginatí níla ang bánwa. They sacked the town. Dílì nínyo pagatión (pagatihón) ang báryo. Don't plunder the village. Ang mga buyóng nagapangatí. Brigands rob and steal. Indì kamó magpangatí. Don't rob and steal like brigands. Iníng bánwa inatián (inatihán) sang mga buyóng sang duhá na ka túig. This town was partly plundered by robbers two years ago.



Uninjured, unscathed, untouched; to escape uninjured, to be unharmed or unscathed, to come away free or untouched. Indì ka makabagít. You will not be able to escape unharmed. Diín ka man makabagít sa ákon? Where can you escape me? Bagít! Missed! Not hit! Bagít siá. He is untouched. This expression is often used in games, where the main point consists in an agility or adroitness in obtaining one's object without being touched or hit by the opposing party. Dirí lang sa ámon bánwa walâ gid sing makabagít sa íya sa paghámpang sang ahedrés. Here in our town there is certainly no one that can beat him at chess. (see luás).



Known, public, notorious, spread, rumoured (said of news, etc.); to get known, become public, etc. Nabalahúbà inâ sa bánwa. That became known in town, they got wind of it-or-it was rumoured in town. Indì ka makatágo sinâ, kóndì mabalahúbà gid sa olíhi. You cannot hide that, for finally it will get known-or-the news of it will spread.



Alarm, warning, signal or notice of danger from fire, thieves, water, etc.; to give a danger-signal or warning. May bálò nga--. The alarm is given that--. Ipabálò (ibálò) mo sa bánwa nga dirí siníng minurô nagakalamátay ang mga háyop. Send warning (give warning) to the town, that here in this village the domestic animals are dying off. Binalóan or ginbalóan sang búg-os nga bánwa ang amó nga nahatabô. The whole town was alarmed over that event. (see paándam, paálam).



Announcement, information, news, publication, promulgation, notification; to announce, publish, give out, inform, promulgate, advise. Ibantálà (Ipabantálà) sa bánwa ang nahanabô. Announce (have announced) in the town what happened. Binantaláan kamí sang pagabút sang pangúlo-puód. We were informed of the arrival of the Provincial Governor. Bantalái silá sang bág-o nga kasuguán. Promulgate amongst them the new regulations. Announce to them the latest orders. Indì ka magbantálà sing butíg. Don't publish lies. (see abíso, pahibaló, láwag, pabalahúbà, palánog, etc.).



Famous, well-known, public, prominent; to become or be well known; to be or make public, to blazon. Nabántug sa bánwa ang madámù nga pinatubás níya. His rich harvest became well known in town. Nabantugán silá tungúd sang íla pagtabanáy. They became a topic for conversation for having run away together. Nabantugán iníng lugár tungúd sang madámò nga páhò. This place is famous for its many mango-trees. Ipabántug mo sa bánwa nga --. Make it known in town that --. Nagbántug dídto ang íya ngálan. His name there became famous. (see bánsag).



Pertaining or belonging to a town, civic, etc. (bánwa; see binanwahánon).



To shake to and fro, wave, brandish, flourish; to walk about aimlessly, to wander about, to go from place to place, as if looking for something. Anó ang ginabarumbáda mo sang ímo bastón? For what reason are you flourishing your stick? Ibarumbáda ang ímo bastón, kay madulúm. Swing your stick (in front), for it is dark. Indì ka magbarumbáda dirí sa sulúd sang baláy. Don't wander about here in the house. Nagabarumbáda gid lang silá sa bánwa. They just stroll aimlessly about the town. Anó pa man ang ginabarumbáda mo, kay ári na ang tanán sa lamésa? What are you still fussing about; everything is already on the table?



Dim. of batî. Also: Hearsay, rumour; gossip; to know by hearsay. May batî-bátì sa bánwa nga --. There is a rumour current in town that --. Ginabatîbátì nga masulúd ang mga buyóng sa bánwa. It is being rumoured that the robbers will enter the town. (see konókóno).



(Sp. voto) Vow, voice, vote, suffrage; to vote. Botóha si Fuláno sa pagkapangúlo-bánwa. Vote for N.N. as Municipal President. (see panáad, sáad, pílì, pilî).



To participate in cock-fighting, to cock-fight, bet or wager on a cock-fight, cause a cock to fight in the cockpit. Diín si Fuláno?-Dídto sa bulangán, nagabúlang. Where is N.N?-He is there in the cock-pit, cock-fighting. Indì mo pagibúlang iníng manók, kay alángálang pa. Don't fight this cock in the cockpit, for its training is not complete yet, it is too young, etc. Indì náton pagbulángon ang áton manók. We will or must not let our cocks fight each other. Pasampoká pírme ang duhá ka manók, agúd mahánas, kay kon mahánas na ibúlang ta silá sa pándut sang bánwa. Get the two cocks to try their strength against each other constantly in order to make them expert, for if they are up to it we will fight them in the cockpit on the town-festival.



A cock-pit. Walâ na kamí sing bulangán sa ámon bánwa, kay tamà katáas sang buhís. We have no longer a cockpit in our town, for the license-tax is too high.



Troop, drove, division, sect, party; to form a division or party, etc. Ang mga pumulúyò siníng bánwa nagabúnghay sing tátlo ka partído. The inhabitants of this town form three parties. Ang búnghay nga makihariánon kag makiangáyon. The royalist and the democratic party.



(B) Frequented, often visited, resorted to; to resort to, frequent, haunt. Ang daní dirí makasáyod sinâ. Those who often come here know that. Ang mga nagapangúma nagadaní sa tiénda. Farmers often visit the shop, store or market. Magdaní ka sa bánwa. You should often come to town. (see damít).



(H) A little, trifle, morsel, snack; small, little, tiny, wee, scant, meagre, bit, petty, diminutive, few; to diminish, decrease, lessen, be or become small, etc. Nagdiótay iníng bánwa. This town has become small. Diotáya ang pagbutáng sing kalámay sa kapé. Put only a little sugar into the coffee. Diótay man lang ang mga táo nga nagtalámbong. There were only a few people in attendance. Diótay nga butáng. A small, trifling or unimportant matter. Diótay nga táo. A small or uninfluential man. Diótay na lang --. Almost, nearly, close upon, well nigh, all but --. Nadiotáyan gid lang siá (sa paghulúg) nga mahúlug sa busáy. He nearly fell into the abyss. Gindiótay níla ang baláy. They made the house smaller. Ginpakadiótay níla inâ. They made light of it. They considered it a trivial matter. (see dítik, diót, dítay, díting, gamáy, tikî, isót).



To descend, walk-, get-, go-, down a slope or inclined plane, go down-hill. Sán-o ikáw magadúlhug sa bánwa? When shall you come down to town? Nagdúlhug na siá sa búkid? Has he come down from the mountain? Has he descended the mountain? Padulhugá siá. Make him come down (the slope). Dulhugí akó dirí. Come down to me here. (see tokád-to go up, ascend).

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