Search result(s) - sáad



Promise, vow, engagement, undertaking, word, pledge; to vow, promise, undertake, engage, bind-, pledge-, commit-, take upon-, oneself, give-, pass-, pledge-, plight-, one's word. Ginsáad níya nga--. He vowed (promised) that--. Ginsaáran níya akó nga--. He promised me that--. N.B. The Frequentative panáad is more used, especially in connection with promises involving a vow. (see túg-an).



(Sp. voto) Vow, voice, vote, suffrage; to vote. Botóha si Fuláno sa pagkapangúlo-bánwa. Vote for N.N. as Municipal President. (see panáad, sáad, pílì, pilî).



Freq. of sáad. To make a solemn promise, vow, especially to make a vow to God or in honour of the Saints; a vow, solemn promise. May panáad siá. He is under a vow. He has a vow. He has-vowed,-made a vow,-taken a vow. Anó man ang ginpanáad mo? What did you vow or promise solemnly? Ginpanaádan (-aáran) níya ang Diós sang íya pagkaúlay. She vowed to God her virginity. Tumána ang ímo pinanáad. Fulfil your vow. Perform what you have vowed. Keep your promise. Keep-, make good-, your vow (word).



Promise, engagement, pledge, plight, troth; to promise, to give-, pass-, pledge-, plight-,-one's word,-one's honour,-one's credit,-one's troth. Ang mga tinákga ni Hesukrísto. The promises of Jesus Christ. Nagtákga siá nga--. He promised that--. Tinakgahán níya akó nga báklan sing kálò. He promised to buy me a hat. (see túg-an, sáad).



Promise, declaration, undertaking, word, pledge, engagement; to promise, undertake to, engage to, bind-, pledge-, commit-, oneself to, give-, pass-, pledge-, plight-, one's-word,-honour,-credit. Gintug-anán akó níya sinâ. He has promised me that. Kon anó ang ímo natúg-an tumánon mo. What you have promised you should perform, fulfil. Itúg-an mo sa ákon nga--. Give me your word of honour that--. (see tugâ, sáad).



Resentment, ill feeling, grudge, anger, animosity, umbrage, pique, ill-, bad-, blood, ill-will, to bear-, owe-, a grudge, harbour or nurse resentment, to be angry, have an ill feeling. May aligótgot siá sa ákon. He has a grudge against me. Indì mo siá pagaligotgotán. Don't bear him any resentment. Nagaaligótgot siá sa kay Fuláno, kay walà níya pagtumána ang íya ginsáad. He has an ill feeling against N.N. because he did not fulfil his promise. (see ákig, súnggud, súngon).