Search result(s) - sámbit



To mention, refer to, allude, bring forward, quote, cite. Ang nasámbit (sinámbit) sa hitáas--. The above-mentioned--. What was mentioned above or before--. The said N.N.--. Indì mo pagisámbit ang ákon ngálan. Don't mention my name. Don't cite me. Don't use my name. Sambití siá sang ímo kinahánglan. Make mention to him of your needs. Mention to him what you stand in need of. (see hinámbit).



Enough, etc. See sámbut.



To mention, refer to, name, allude to, bring forward, give out, relate. Indì ka maghinámbit sang amó nga mga butáng. Don't mention such things. Nahinambitán níya akó sang íya báka nga binalígyà. He mentioned to me that his cow was sold. (see sámbit).



To mention, relate, refer to. Anó gánì ang ginlámbit níya? What did he really refer to? Lambití siá sa nahanungúd sang pagpatíndog sang ákon baláy. Talk to him about the building of my house. Ang nalámbit sa hitáas--. What was mentioned above or before--. The above mentioned--. The aforesaid--. Indì ka maglámbit sinâ sa íya. Don't mention that to him. Don't tell him of that. Ilámbit sa íya nga--. Tell him that--. Ngáa man nga walâ mo pagilámbit inâ sa ákon nga dáan? Why did you not mention that to me before? Why didn't you tell me beforehand? (see sámbit).



Crying, mourning, sighing, weeping, lamentation, lament; utterance, expression; to sigh, mourn, cry, weep, grieve, moan, bemoan, wail, bewail, keen, lament; to utter, express, give expression to (one's feelings, thoughts, etc.). Nagpanalabíton siá sa dakû nga kalisúd nga inmabút sa íya. She uttered lamentations because of the great calamity that had befallen her. (see panalambíton, sámbit).



Moisture, humidity, dankness, damp, dampness, wet, wetness; moist, damp, wet, soaked, dank, humid; to make or become wet, to drench, etc. Nabasâ ang ákon tiíl. My foot got wet. Ginbasâ níya ang ákon pányo. He made my handkerchief wet. Bás-a ang lampáso. Soak the mop in water. Bás-i ang ití sang manók sa salúg. Clean up with water the chicken-dung on the floor. Pahíran mo lang ang lamésa sing trápo nga mamalá, dílì mo pagbás-on. Just wipe the table with a dry cloth, don't use water. Binás-an níya ang íya kamút sing agás, agúd makúhà ang dágtà sang pínta. He wetted his hand with petroleum, in order to get out the paint-stains. Likawí ang ulán, agúd dílì ka mabasâ kag mapásmo. Avoid the rain, lest you should get wet and catch a cold. Ang hubág níya nga maáyo na gid nagbasâ na man. His ulcer that was quite healed before is now suppurating (wet) again. Nagbasâ na man ang mga matá sang ilóy sang pagkabatî níya nga may nagsámbit sang ngálan sang íya anák nga bág-o lang napatáy. The mother's eyes became wet (filled with tears), when she heard someone mentioning the name of her child that had recently died. Kánding nga binasâ (nabasâ) sang ulán. A goat that has been drenched by rain. (see malá-to be dry, etc.).



High, elevated, above, eminent, elated, lofty, tall, towering; above, before, previously, some lines or pages back. Ibutáng mo ang krús sa hitáas sang simbáhan. Put the cross on the highest point of the church. Ang nasámbit sa hitáas--. What has been stated above or before--. (see táas).