To flare or shoot up high (of fire). See íbwal.
To flare or shoot up high, flame, blaze, rise (of fire). Nagaíbwal na ang kaláyo. The fire is flaring up. Naibwalán sang kaláyo ang atóp sang digamohán. The fire shot up to the roof of the kitchen. Indì mo pagpaibwalón ang kaláyo. Don't allow the fire to blaze. (see síbwal id.).
To flare or shoot up high, flame, blaze, rise (of fire). Nagaíbwal na ang kaláyo. The fire is flaring up. Naibwalán sang kaláyo ang atóp sang digamohán. The fire shot up to the roof of the kitchen. Indì mo pagpaibwalón ang kaláyo. Don't allow the fire to blaze. (see síbwal id.).
To shoot up, rise, etc. See túb-ok, timbúok, alintabó, síbwal, etc.