Search result(s) - tábnul



Thickness, stoutness, heaviness; fleshiness; to be or become thick, stout, heavy, fleshy, said of the calves, arms, etc. Nagtábnul ang íya bútkon. He has developed stout arms. Natabnulán akó sang íya mga bútkon. His arms seem to me very fleshy. (see dámol, tibúnog, bahól).



Thick, fat, plump, chubby, stout, round, muscular, buxom, fleshy (of arms, legs, etc.). (see tábnul, matíbsul, matibúnog, maribúok, maribusól).



Fat, fatness, adipose tissue, any oily or greasy substance; to be or become fat, stout, plump, portly, obese. Indì akó kaúyon sang támbok sang báboy. I don't like pork fat. Nagakabúhì silá sa támbok sang dútà. They live on the fat (the best productions) of the earth (land). Nagtámbok siá dídto. He put on fat there. He grew fat there. Natambokán akó sa íya. He seems to me to be quite a portly man. Ang tínday nga pinatámbok. The fattened calf. Patamboká ang báka. Fatten the cow. Ang maís amó ang isá sang mga labíng maáyo nga inogpatámbok sang mga báboy. Corn is excellent for fattening pigs. (see matámbok, katámbok, tábnul, tibúnog, tíbsul, típsul).